Petals ESB
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Petals EE 5.3.0

Download Petals ESB 5.3.0 (220 Mb)

Petals Studio 1.4.0

Petals Studio 1.4.0 is the maintenance release of Petals Studio for Petals 5.0.0 / 5.1.0 / 5.2.0 / 5.3.0. Select the right version of Petals Studio for your operating system.

Linux x32 Linux x64 MacOS

Windows x32 Windows x64

Docker Images

Docker images for Petals can be downloaded from Docker Hub.

Debian Packages

The essential parts of Petals EE are available as Debian packages. This is useful in particular for production environments.

Notice the base package is the same for both monitoring tools.

ZIP Archives

In addition to the Petals Enterprise Edition ZIP archive, several Petals ESB variants and tools are provided as ZIP Archive. This is useful in particular for development environments.

Community Pack

Now, each version of Petals ESB Enterprise can be completed by elements delivered with the Community Pack for Petals EE. This pack contains extra components and shared libraries.